
I have been reviewing and negotiating Architects’ appointments at home and overseas since 1989. They come in all shapes and sizes; this is where architects mostly need my help.
The way it works is that you would send me a draft appointment and, if appropriate, send it to your insurers. I will go through the appointment and red line proposed changes (including those put forward by insurers). It will be such that you can then send it off to your client.
Some architects prefer to deal with the negotiation themselves, whilst other like me to do so on their behalf.
It is a simple procedure, but the devil is in the detail of the appointments.
Although I am experienced in negotiating appointments, especially with most of the big City and smaller law firms, I am not a lawyer, so do not give legal advice. It will be up to you whether to sign the appointment, bearing in mind that every negotiation has compromises on both sides.